Introducing UltraGuideCTR™, formerly known as the SX-One MicroKnife. UltraGuideCTR is the same device with the same intended use, indications for use and clinical data regarding the safety and effectiveness of the device.
The institute of
Advanced ultrasound
guided procedures
Introducing UltraGuideCTR™, formerly known as the SX-One MicroKnife. UltraGuideCTR is the same device with the same intended use, indications for use and clinical data regarding the safety and effectiveness of the device.
Poster presentation at American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) Annual Meeting, January 2020. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release: Clinical results of 45 wrists at 6 months. Kindle B, Beckman J, Hubbard R.
Case series reporting 6-month follow-up on 45 wrists in 32 patients treated with CTR using the SX-One MicroKnife® and ultrasound guidance with local anesthesia, plus diazepam anxiolysis based on patient preference. The authors reported no intra-operative complications; one patient had pillar pain that spontaneously resolved by 3- months post-release. Statistically and clinically significant improvements in BCTQ and QDASH scores were observed at 2-weeks post-release and were maintained at the final 6- month follow-up.
Podium presentation at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Annual Meeting, April 2019. Sonographic changes in median nerve cross sectional area following ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release. Chappell CD, et al.
Case series of 37 wrists in 23 patients treated by a single physician with pre- and post-operative nerve cross- sectional area measurements and clinical results. No neurovascular complications occurred. The authors reported significant reductions in nerve cross-sectional area post-CTR with the SX-One MicroKnife using ultrasound guidance as well as statistically and clinically significant improvements in BCTQ scores.
Poster presentation at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Annual Meeting, April 2019. Novel treatment leads to rapid return to work. Bergum R, Ciota M.
Case report of nurse treated with CTR using ultrasound guidance and the SX-One MicroKnife by a surgeon/non-surgeon team who was able to return to work the day following the procedure and ultimately had the contralateral wrist treated.
Podium presentation at the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Annual Meeting, April 2019. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release: hand surgeon experience including implementation of a same day evaluation and surgery clinic. Beckman J, et al.
Case series reporting the experience of a single fellowship trained hand surgeon performing CTR using the SX-One MicroKnife, ultrasound guidance and only local anesthesia (WALANT), including patients treated as part of a same day evaluation and surgery clinic.
Podium presentation at the American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) Annual Meeting, January-February 2019. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release: initial results. Chen S, Yamazaki K.
Case series reporting 3-month follow up on 65 wrists in 61 patients performed by a fellowship trained hand surgeon/non-surgeon team, including 26 cases performed using WALANT technique. The authors reported no complications and significant improvements in patient reported outcomes.
Poster at the Eastern Orthopaedic Association Meeting, October 2018. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release in a procedural room setting: early clinical results. Miller T, et al.
Case series reporting 3-month follow-up on 66 wrists in 52 patients, including 36 wrists in 28 patients treated as part of a same-day surgery clinic. The authors reported no complications, median patient satisfaction of 5 (1-5 scale) and statistically and clinically significant reductions in QDASH and BCTQ scores. There were no differences in outcomes or satisfaction between same-day surgery group and non-same day surgery group.
Video Theater presented at the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) Annual Meeting, September 2018. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release: technique and integration into a hand surgeon’s practice. Paterson P.
Video demonstration of carpal tunnel release performed under ultrasound guidance using the SX-One MicroKnife, including discussion of considerations for integrating the procedure into a busy orthopedic practice.
Podium presentation at the Cleveland Clinic 18th Annual Meeting - New Technology in Upper Extremity Surgery: The Cutting Edge, May 2018. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release and implementation of a same day surgery clinic. Paterson P.
Case series of 53 patients treated by a single surgeon, including 31 patients treated in a same day surgery clinic (“Release and Relief” program). The author reported no neurovascular complications and clinically and statistically significant improvements in QDASH and BCTQ scores. The author also reported significant improvements in practice efficiency due to implementation of CTR using the SX-One MicroKnife and ultrasound guidance.
Podium presentation at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Annual Meeting, April 2018. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release performed by a primary care physician: preliminary results. Joseph AE, Leiby BM.
Case series of 11 wrists in 9 patients treated by a single physician. The authors reported no neurovascular complications, statistically and clinically significant improvements in QDASH and BCTQ scores, and excellent patient satisfaction. Abstract published in Clin J Sports Med
Poster presented at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Annual Meeting, April 2018. Novel treatment of a common problem leads to expedited return to golf. Henning PT, et al.
Case report of a golfer who returned to golf 5 days following CTR using the SX-One MicroKnife and ultrasound guidance in his dominant hand.
Poster presented at the American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) Annual Meeting, January 2018. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release using a novel device: early clinical results. Henning PT, et al.
Combined clinical experience of 38 wrists in 28 patients treated by three different physicians in three different practices, including two fellowship trained orthopedic hand surgeons. The authors reported no complications and excellent clinical outcomes.
Poster presented at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Annual Meeting, May 2017. Ultrasound guided carpal tunnel release using dynamic safe zone expansion: a cadaveric validation study. Presley JC,et al.
Cadaveric validation study of CTR using the SX-One MicroKnife and ultrasound guidance in 34 unembalmed cadaveric wrist specimens. Dissection revealed complete releases without neurovascular injury in all specimens.