Dr. Robert E. Markison, board-certified hand surgeon in San Francisco, CA, has now given more than 100 patients relief from carpal tunnel syndrome with carpal tunnel release (CTR) using the SX-One MicroKnife® and ultrasound guidance.
“I’ve seen great patient satisfaction and quick return to hand-intensive activities following these procedures. My patients often refer friends and family members.”
– Dr. Robert E. Markison

Most patients who undergo this procedure are able to return to normal activities in 3–6 days. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia and a small incision (<5mm) that is typically closed without sutures.
“Patients occasionally require 1 or 2 Tylenol®, Motrin®, or Aleve® tablets within the first 12–24 hours postoperatively, but none of them have required narcotic pain medication or other prescription drugs,” he said. “I personally telephone each patient the day after surgery and they are consistently doing remarkably well.”
Dr. Markison’s patients have been delighted with the rapid recovery afforded by the procedure.
“Many patients have procrastinated their carpal tunnel release surgery because others have shared negative experiences with open technique release surgery. I have performed mini-open technique CTR, endoscopic CTR, and Manos technique ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel releases. In my experience, patient satisfaction with CTR using the SX-One MicroKnife and ultrasound guidance is vastly superior to the other techniques.”, said Dr. Markison.
Robert E. Markison, MD, a fellowship-trained hand surgeon with nearly 40 years of experience, is Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of California San Francisco, Faculty Member of the San Francisco Orthopedic Residency Program, and Lifetime Member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Dr. Markison is also a professional musician, artist, and craftsman specializing in the care of creative hands.