MSK Ultrasound Mini-Fellowship

Experience the transformative power of ultrasound

MSK Ultrasound Mini-Fellowship

Learn the fundamental skills for MSK Ultrasound at an in-person educational course with Dr. Jay Smith, followed by several distance learning sessions over a two week period.

The Mini-Fellowship is an intensive, short-duration training program designed for hand surgeons interested in integrating minimally invasive techniques using ultrasound guidance into their clinical practices.

Our state-of-the-art training lab at The Institute of Advanced Ultrasound Guided Procedures is designed to optimize your learning experience. The central table is connected to monitor stations around the lab where participants will have an unobstructed view of the procedure and the ultrasound imagery guiding it.

An optional, half-day of in-person training will be available to participants upon request. Go beyond the fundamentals and choose up to three additional applications to explore based on your professional interests.

Upon Successful Completion You Will:

  • Learn to acquire, optimize, label, retrieve and review US images and videos.
  • Identify bone, tendon, muscle, nerve, ligament, cartilage and vascular tissues using ultrasound.
  • Obtain high quality ultrasound images of the hand, wrist and fingers.
  • Measure distances and cross-sectional areas on ultrasound images.
  • Track needles using ultrasound guidance and perform ultrasound guided injections of the carpal tunnel.
  • Apply principles of diagnostic and interventional US to participate in self-directed learning.
  • Perform carpal tunnel and trigger finger releases under ultrasound guidance.

MSK Ultrasound Mini-Fellowship Agenda:

  • In-person training brought to you by The Institute of Advanced Ultrasound Guided Procedures.
  • Programs include 1 to 1 ½ days of in-person training, depending on location.
  • In-person, hands-on cadaveric training in our state of the art facility.
  • Virtual faculty-led, 40-minute hands-on distance learning sessions post in-person training.
  • Faculty-led, hands-on, in-person training sessions in your clinic.
  • Participant will receive access to all online education and training resources for self-guided learning.

Upcoming Mini-Fellowship Opportunities

View program information and register by filling out the form below.